Proudly Powhatan Produced Program
Introducing the Proudly Powhatan Produced Brand
The Proudly Powhatan Produced marketing campaign was introduced in 2024 in order to not only provide a means to identify products made in Powhatan County, but also encourage those in our community and beyond to support local artisans. By having an understanding of the types of goods made in our county, we are better equipped to be able to serve these business owners as an Economic Development and Tourism Department. Local sellers of goods are also then able to understand their options as far as local vendors are concerned.
Look for this window cling around town to know where to shop local. The following businesses in Powhatan County are sellers of Proudly Powhatan Produced Products:
- Maxey's Store2
- The Mercantile at Three Crosses3
- Fine Creek Provisions4
- Vintage Antique Shack5
- Three Crosses Distilling6
- Crazy Rooster Brewing 7
- Independence Golf Club/Josie's Coffee Boutique8
- The Cafe at Maidens9
- Fine Creek Brewing10
The following small businesses are participating in our Proudly Powhatan Produced marketing initiative:
- Crazy Rooster Brewing7
- How Sweet Freeze-Dried Treats11
- Nifty Nuttery12
- Manning Hill Ranch13
- Pawfect Pastures14
- Handmade by Tera15
- Trotter Creek Farm16
- Chicory Hill Farm17
- Perfectly Soy Candles18
- Cave's Creation19
- One Mustard Seed Soaps20
- Three Crosses Distilling6
- Wild Origins21
- Douglas Farms22
- Brooks Bread Co.23
- Kelona Hills Farm24
- Stella's Bagels25
- Powhatan Artisans26
- Fowl Play27
- Croft Cakes28
- Exotic Wood Creations29
- Powhatan Chocolates and Coffee30
- Patterson's Backyard Farm31
Contact us at econdev@powhatanva.gov32 to learn more about this program or to inquire about participating.
Proudly Powhatan Produced Flyer33
Page Links
- http://q0as.xlhl.net/business-climate
- http://www.maxeysstore.com/
- http://www.threecrossesmercantile.com/
- http://themillatfinecreek.com/fine-creek-provisions/
- http://www.vintageantiqueshack.net/
- http://threecrossesdistilling.com/
- http://www.crazyroosterbrewing.com/
- http://www.josiescoffeeboutique.com/
- http://www.thecafeatmaidens.com/
- http://finecreekbrewing.com/
- http://www.facebook.com/HowSweetFDT
- http://niftynuttery.com/
- http://manninghillranch.com/
- http://www.pawfectpastures.com/
- http://handmadebytera.square.site/
- http://www.trottercreekfarm.com/
- http://www.chicoryhillfarm.com/
- http://www.perfectlysoycandles.com/
- http://www.cavescreationspva.com/
- http://www.omsva.com/
- http://www.wild-origins.com/
- http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088639532860
- http://shop.castiron.me/brooks-bread-co
- http://kelonahillsfarm.com/
- http://www.stellasbagels.com/
- http://www.instagram.com/powhatan_artisans/
- http://www.instagram.com/fowlplay_pva/
- http://www.facebook.com/aruecroft/
- http://marketspread.com/vendor/69069/exotic-wood-creations/
- http://marketspread.com/vendor/102541/risingrainbow-llc/
- http://pattersonsbackyardfarm.com/
- mailto:econdev@powhatanva.gov
- http://q0as.xlhl.net/content/yespowhatan/uploads/proudly_powhatan_produced_flyer.pdf